Resisting Online Learning
After this presentation of rCampus, you may have many comments and concerns. I see the great potential of this online classroom to allow us to track our students’ learning through the ePortfolio, discussions, and collaborations. As educators, we are continually asked to give district assessments to show that students have met all of the standards. The ePortfolio would be a way for students to show that they have met them without taking a test. This will cut down on the tests that most educators would rather not give to students and instead use their class work to show their progress.
There are also many students that are not currently succeeding in the educational system. They either need to be motivated or need extra help to bring their educational skills up to par. The online classroom allows these students to get extra help and support from classmates and tutors. The options of using a calendar and receiving alerts when assignments are due will help keep students organized. This type of classroom allows students to individualize their learning in a way that best fits their needs, thus providing more motivation.
The online classroom can also be very beneficial to students that are not being challenged enough in the classroom. According to Julie Young, Pam Birtolo, and Raven McElman, virtual classrooms will provide the knowledge students need in every classroom along “with opportunities to embrace leadership roles and to demonstrate social responsibility and enhance social skills” (2009, p. 15). These skills are going to help our students succeed in life after they leave our school. We need to make some changes to develop students that are lifelong learners and will succeed after they leave high school.
Young, J., Birtolo, P., & McElman, R. (2009). Virtual success: Transforming education through online learning. Learning & Leading with Technology, 36(5), 12-17.